Our ministry goal is that all of our youth would grow up to be strongly rooted in their faith in Jesus as they enter adulthood. We focus on intentional discipleship that explains Scripture and is Christ-centered.
During the School Year (September - April)
Our Sunday school classes for Jr. High and Sr. High generally run from September through June following Sunday morning worship services. This is a time for teens to connect with peers who share their faith and find biblical answers to the questions they face.
Youth Sunday School is currently not meeting, but stay tuned for updates.
Jr. High Youth Group (grades 6-8) and Sr. High Youth Group (grades 9-12) takes place on Wednesday evenings during the school year. Youth group is a perfect opportunity to have good, clean fun with friends while learning more about who they are and who God is.
Youth group is a time when high school kids can learn to think critically about the Bible and how it applies to their lives. It’s also a time to connect with other high school students who believe in Jesus and be encouraged by each other’s faith. This ministry opportunity gives high school students a chance to learn essential skills like studying God’s word, thinking critically, building relationships, communicating their beliefs to others, and using God’s word in making decisions and solving problems.